Potato Curry

A potato curry recipe.



  1. Cut the potatoes, celery, and carrots into bite sized chunks. Mince onions and garlic.
  2. Heat a large pot over medium heat.
  3. Add a drizzle of olive oil to the pot and sauté onions and garlic until they start to brown.
  4. Add the celery, carrots, and potatoes to the pot and sauté for an additional five minutes.
  5. Once the carrots begin to brown, clear a hole in the center, add an additional drizzle of oil and the tablespoon of curry powder. Toast for a couple of seconds until fragrant then deglaze with the chicken stock.
  6. Add in the tablespoon of soy sauce and tablespoon of brown sugar and simmer until a fork can be poked through a potato with little effort.
  7. Mash a couple potato chunks and add in a tablespoon of corn starch mixed into a tablespoon of cold water to thicken.


Adapted from: Yeung Man Cooking